Guest Book

Monday, September 28, 2009

Job Description(JD) Vs Role Description

S No

Job description (JD)

Role Description


Job description is the framework for a particular position based on the expectations of the management from the person

Role description is participative in nature.


It can be changed/ revised/ modified at any time by the management

It involves a consultative process for any changes/ revisions/ modifications.


The employee may have high commitment for JD but may lack ownership.

The employee will have high commitment as well as full sense of ownership (responsibility) towards his/ her role.


It merely includes the jobs to be performed by the person

It includes the job to be performed as well as the attributes/ competencies required by the role occupant


The Key Result Areas (KRAs) will only encompass the task orientation.

The KRAs will focus on task as well as skills


Goal setting is relatively easier through the JD

Goal setting is relatively more elaborate but much more meaningful.


Goals set with the help of JD may confine only to task performance

Goals set for the role will include the task performance as well as the managerial qualities.


Since JD is a unilateral data, the goal setting may also ultimately be a unilateral exercise

Since role description is a participative data, the goals will also be the outcome of a participative discussion between the role occupant and his/ her controlling officer.


Appraisal is quite a simple exercise – merely using the data

Appraisal is a bit tedious but quite wholesome (having potential assessment of the employee - a growth orientation)

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